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Beginner Class

Learning Korean for the first time

Starts on Sat Dec 5, 2020   /     €45

  1. Introduction Of Korean.

  2. Start from the Korean Alphabet.

  3. Greetings.

  4. Theme based words.

  5. Introduction of Grammar.

A Class 

€45  /  Hwiwon Yang

Dates: Dec 5, 2020 - Jan 3, 2021

Every Saturday & Sunday, total of 8 sessions

 Christmas Vacation Dec 26 , 27

Saturdays                                Athens Time        09:00 am - 11:00 pm

Sundays                                   Athens Time        09:00 am - 11:00 pm

Tel: +302109968186


You will receive a Zoom link once you’ve booked this service.


Phone : +306975208020

Add : Voriou Ipirou 58, Glyfada, Athens, Greece

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Parrot Language Center

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